When I grow up I want to be...
Students today have so many options. Many of them will do work that we cannot even imagine! Do you introduce your students to careers that relate to your curriculum? In our classroom, when a new unit is introduced, new career options are added to our wall. It has been a great way to help us keep track of the roles we take on as we navigate our curriculum.
Having a career wall is a quick and easy way to plant seeds in your students mind and show them the vast number careers in the greater community. While they are familiar with the "typical careers" they never really consider all the specialty jobs in a community.
Some of the careers are options that I have chosen, while others are careers are student requests. I love listening to the conversations the students engage in near the wall... "I'm either going to be a ____________ or a ___________". I like to think that years from now, my students will come back to visit and tell me that they decided on a career pathway because of the discussions we had in our classroom.
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Our students aren't too young to consider the options, plant the seed! |
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